2010年5月25日 星期二




一、族裔政治與適應(Ethnic Policy and Adaptation)
二、移民社群與認同(Migrant Community and Identity)
三、海外中文學校(Chinese Schools Overseas)
四、華人宗教與文化之在地呈現(Chineseness, Religion and Cultural Representation)



1) 1945年菲律賓民族化運動與美菲政局 (The Philippine Nationalization Campaign and the American-Philippine Relations in 1945) JIANG Fan姜帆
2) 法國駐越南政府之華人政策(1945-1954)
(The Policy of the French Authority in Vietnam toward Ethnic Chinese (1945-1954)) HUANG Chung-ting黃宗鼎
3) 多元文化下的國家建構:新加坡和馬來西亞華人的兩種模式比較 (Nation Building in a Multicultural Society: Comparison of Singapore & Malaysia Chinese
Ethnic Models) CHEN Chang-Hung陳昌宏
4) 創傷中的精神政治交涉:以黃錦樹的文本為例 (Spiritual Political Negotiation of Trauma: A Psychoanalytic Reading of Kimchew Ng’s Text) HUANG Yuhui黃玉慧
5) From “Immigration Entrepreneur” to “New Proletariat”: Two Generations of Chinese Immigrants in France (法國華人社群的形成與變遷:從「工人變頭家」到「工字不出頭」) CHUANG Yahan莊雅涵
6) 移民與跨國空間:中國知識階層新移民在新加坡 (Migrants and the Transnational Living Space: Chinese Intellectual New Migrants in
Singapore) Jean YIM閻靖靖
7) 花園聚落的族群互動:馬來西亞柔佛州新山縣茉莉花花園的個案研究(1987-2007) (Ethnicity Interrelationship and Environment Adaptation, a Case Study of Taman Melor in Johor Bahru, Malaysia (1987-2007)) BAI Wei Chuan白偉權
8) 台灣1.5代年輕回流移民之適應與認同 (Adaptation and Self-identities of Taiwanese Young Return Migrants) CHEN Yu-Chun陳鈺淳
9) 南美第一所華僑學校 ─ 祕魯中華三民聯校的設立歷史及其發展 (The First Overseas Chinese School in South America: Historical Developments in the
Establishment of the Chungwa Sanmin Joint School of Peru) LIN Jiaying林佳瑩
10) 德國華人中文教育發展與現況分析 ─ 以五所台系中文學校為例 (The Development and Analysis of Chinese Education of Chinese German: A Case Study of
Five Taiwanese-based Chinese Schools) CHANG Fong-Ci張鳳圻
11) 學靜兼學動:成人又成才;有為且有容 ─ 談峇株吧轄華仁中學聯課活動 (The Co-curricular Activities of Independent Chinese High Schools in Malaysia: A Case
Study with Batu Pahat Chinese High School) CHEN Wan-Ling陳琬琳
12) 主流學校與中文學校的關係 ─美國AP中文班學生學習動機之調查 (The Relations between Public Schools and Chinese Heritage Schools in the US – An
Investigation of Student Motivations in AP Chinese Classes) YEH Yu-Ting葉育婷
13) 民國時期(1911-1949)北美華僑之鄉的建築壁畫與灰雕裝飾研究—廣東開平縣為例 (A Study on Murals and Stucco Works in the Hometowns of Overseas Chinese in North America during the Republican Period: Kaiping County as a Case)
TAN Jinhua譚金花
14) 關帝崇拜的海外播遷及其在華僑早期開創事業中的作用 (Guan Di Belief in Early Chinese Overseas Community and Its Social Cultural Function) ZHANG Yingjin張應進
15) 印尼華裔穆斯林商人的伊斯蘭信仰與宗教領導 (Chinese-Indonesian Muslim Merchants and Their Religious Leadership) CHIOU Syuan-yuan邱炫元
16) 晚清海外遊歷筆記中的華人 ─ 以《客韓筆記》為例 (An Overseas Chinese Survey of the Overseas Travel Writing during the Late Qing Dynasty:
The Case of Kehan Biji) LI Ru-Fang李如芳
17) 探討印度華裔學者譚中之「中印大同」思想論述 (The Ideal of .CHINDIA.: An Analysis on Tan Chung.s Thoughts about International
Relationship) CHANG Tse-Tai章之岱
